The Secret Ingredient to Level Up Your Money Game!

connected interview financial freedom investing kristina rowland money beliefs money mindset rewire your mindset time freedom Nov 10, 2022


Connecting with Kristina Rowland, Mentor with Make It Make Cent$ about the secret to improving your finances! 

Kristina is one of the newest GUIDES to join The Connected Soul Network! Kristina will be the featured healer at our next Called to Connect Event - join us by registering at the link below! 

Kristina Rowland is a powerhouse expert on the art of manifestation, master money mindset coach, and self-made millionaire mama. Kristina’s mission is to impact the world by modernizing ancient wisdom and simplifying universal principles to help people achieve their once “impossible” dreams. 

Living as an authentic example of what is possible when you activate the hidden power of the mind, Kristina has inspired and transformed thousands of lives worldwide. Kristina’s unconventional style for teaching is practical, down-to-earth, and easy-to-digest so that ANYONE can benefit from her courses and social platforms.

Connect with Kristina:

Tik Tok & IG - _theprettypenny

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