The Art of Receiving with Maria Heart Song

coaching dark night of the soul education exclusive offers gifts manifestation manifesting maria heart song masterclass receiving Sep 19, 2022

Connecting with Maria Heartsong about her upcoming masterclass, The Art of Receiving! We will be discussing

  • The dark night of the soul
  • Gifts 
  • Committing to yourself
  • Manifestation
  • How to receive through different methods, singing specifically!


If any women are interested in attending Maria's masterclass it is free and taking place online, on September 21, 22, and 23 at 11 am PDT. You can register here:


If you'd like to join Maria's Facebook group (for the ladies), The Heart Song Sisterhood, you can join here:


Link to Maria's free gift, the Heart Song Activation Lighthouse:



  • 10% discount on Maria's upcoming yearlong program if you book a call with her to discuss and let her know you were referred by JEN HART!  Book your free call here: (Expires October 10, 2022)
  • $100 off a Heart Song Activation Reading if you mention JEN HART!  (Expires for all on Oct. 1, 2022, and will remain available exclusively for members of The Connected Soul Network until 12/31/2022). Check it out here and book your call to see if it's a good fit:


Maria Heart Song is an Intuitive Healer, Heart Song Alchemist, Yoga Teacher, and Purpose Clarity Coach, who is based in Sweden and working worldwide.

After being burnt out twice, leaving her deeply depressed and suicidal, she found healing in music and the power of choice. This made her access the gift of creating healing, high-vibrational songs.

With her Heart Song Activations™, coaching programs, and Sacred Heart Awakening journeys, she inspires women how to use intention, music, movement, playfulness, and their own voice to consciously create their lives and reconnect with their soulful creative abilities, Divine Feminine power, and higher purpose.

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