How I became an EXPLORER...and how you can too!
Dec 13, 2022
I am SO excited to announce and officially share that The Connected Soul Network Membership for EXPLORERS (Founding Member Option) is NOW OPEN!!
This is an extension of the first post I made for the opening of the GUIDES membership on November 23, 2022!
I am so happy, excited, and proud of myself for following my dreams, my vision, my mission, and my soul’s calling. It has been a long, fun, exciting, draining, exhausting, and extremely fulfilling road! This is just the beginning and I hope you will continue on this journey with me.
I did not know it at the time, but it started about 12 years ago, I too, was an EXPLORER (and still am!).
At that time, I felt very unhappy, unfulfilled, and stagnant in my life. I knew there had to be more to life than going to a job that didn’t feed my soul every day and experiencing several failed relationships. I always knew that I was meant to do something impactful, but I had no idea what it was.
I started small, with a bucket list of all the things I had always wanted to do, but had never done. I crossed them off one by one and little by little, I started to leave my comfort zone, and grow and expand.
I went sky diving, learned how to shoot a gun, went on a cruise, traveled out of the Country, and moved to San Diego which had been a long-time dream! I started to live my life from the perspective of Bucket List Living, focusing on being adventurous, trying new things, exploring, and asking myself, will I regret it if I DON’T do it? This led to more fun, connections, experiences, and a lifetime of memories… eventually leading me to sell all of my stuff and travel the world with no plans, limits, or expectations!
The by-product of this fun, exploration, and adventure was also that I started to get to know myself more. Who I was, who I wasn’t, and what I loved, liked, disliked, and valued. Naturally, I started to see the signs and synchronicities from the Universe and followed the breadcrumbs. I started to explore the patterns, habits, thoughts, beliefs, results, and actions of my life and my choices.
I found the path of spirituality, connectedness, and personal development. I searched and searched for “my purpose”, my path, and my calling. It didn’t happen overnight, but it happened over a series of small experiences, adventures, exploration, trying new things, meeting new people, trying different modalities and GUIDES services, fun, laughter, curiosity, and the power of saying YES!
I eventually got to know myself well and found that my passions were personal development and spirituality. I also started to learn more about my gifts, strengths, and talents. It’s funny, cause a lot of times they come so naturally to us, we don’t even realize that they are a gift!!
Someone pointed out to me that I was a Connector and that my connecting was a gift. The more I explored, and experienced different events, GUIDES and modalities, the more I shed layers, rediscovered my authentic self, and started my personal healing journey. As a lifelong learner, this is a path I still am on, and am an EXPLORER always!
Along the way, I started to have more and more visions and dreams about what I wanted to create in the world, how I wanted to impact people, create amazing experiences and inspire and empower people to go AND grow on their own adventures as EXPLORERS! Naturally, I became a GUIDE for some after having my own experiences. So I decided to marry the two and create The Connected Soul Network!
A place where EXPLORERS who are on an adventure of self-discovery and exploration can find an adventure with each other AND be supported by GUIDES (Healers, Coaches, Therapists, etc.) along the way.
The Membership is still a work in progress as I’m building the foundation, but I am just getting started and I have big plans for The Connected Soul Network!
The question I have for you today is, are you ready to join me on an adventure as an EXPLORER and see what magic you…me…WE can create in life together?
Are you ready to make history as an EXPLORER Founding Member?!
If the answer is HELL YES, click this link and pick the best option for you (Hint: the YEARLY!)
Founding Member Options are highly discounted AND only available for a LIMITED time!
Enrollment is now open and Founding Member Options will ONLY be available until Wednesday, December 21, 11:55 pm PST.
DO NOT WAIT!! The price WILL go up!
If you want to check out all membership options and upcoming events, click here:
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